Juan's London, Summer 2003


Juan's London, Summer 2003
The Photo-Journal!

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Penelope and I

I figured that I would place this special individual first on my site because she was one of the first people to discover me on the mean streets of London. She took me under her wing, showed me London, and believed in me. Interesting gal, and an older one at that. She's what one would consider a posh businesswoman, and judging by the fact that she was fond of riding horses every Saturday morning in the Royal Hyde Park, I'd assume she was a successful one at that. There were more than a few wrinkles in her past, though, unbeknownst from her oh so posh accent: she was a recovering drug addict. I knew something was awry when she couldnt seem to stop twitching every time we met in private. Only after I poured drinks into her did she seem to relax. She was also in reawakening mode, and it was I who finally gave her the nudge to go out on the town again, engage in no other drug than alcohol, and have a killer time. I'll miss her.

Quiet days in Kensington Gardens

This photo typifies much of my existence in London those long 10 days . . . at least during the daylight. The morning, usually after 02.00 PM, usually consisted of my daily ablutions of defecating, and then showering in a leaky cabinet-sized bathroom, organizing my mess of clothes, empty bottles, and seeing to it that everything was organized neatly under my bed . . . Foreign Legion style. Then I'd work off any lingering hangover and bloating with a hard run through the nearby Kensington Gardens, where I'd most usually bump into my hostel hooligan mates, in this case, rolling up a spliff in public.

English Women . . .

Well, now, there is something to be said about English women. Any outgoing male whos been to the UK will attest to this. Oh yea, she borrowed my shades just for this photo. Nuff said? I met this lovely (right) on what I thought would be an uneventful Monday night . . . no such thing in London. Funny and slightly obnoxious girl, but anything but that brief rapport was to be, for when I went upstairs to catch-up with an interesting Pole (read further), I was displaced by an even more gregarious (apparently) Kiwi. Win some, lose some.

Awesome Duo

I will scarcely forget this dynamic Irish duo. I caught these "business women by day, drinkers by night" at one of my favourite Leicester Square Irish dives. After chatting briefly about the derivatives market, we moved onto more interesting topics: Irish lager. We all three literally spent the night together . . . though we never left the premises. At around 03.00, we retired for some delicious Soho Chinese food. When we were eventually thrown out of that establishment, the tube was about to open. "We'd love to meet you Friday," they said in a slightly tearful goodbye, "but in a week, well never see you again." Ha! It takes more than that to get rid of Juan, for days later, wandering about the far northern neighbourhood of Islington, I ran into none other than them! I had to get this photo for posterities sake. I hated being mobbed by them . . . not! (Remember the dumb-ass in the background for future reference).

The One Who I Actually Liked

A bit of a tragic story here. I met this Irish woman one quaint Tuesday evening as I was wandering about London feeling melancholy about the whole evening. She was one of the many skilled and unskilled Irish making their living in the great city. We truly connected, and I was looking forward to seeing London with her for the next few days of my vacation. That evening in the same pub, we met up with the gregarious Dominic, the barman at Waxy's just a few doors down. At 04.00 AM, we all staggered back there with him. With backdoor keys in hand, we switched on the lights and got some Wednesday morning drinking going! Too bad that on our way out, I was terribly drunk, and told my girl to piss off (she did, for good, unfortunately).

The Same Dude

Look to your left. Is this the same dumb-ass that I mentioned a few pictures back? Has he no better things to do but follow me around and mess up my chick photos?

Houston Calling

No other reason to post this picture aside from the fact that both women here are from my lovely Houston. The one on the left was on business for British Petroleum. Considering that I was just recently laid off, I thought I might charm a business card from her. Her air of apparent American poshness was fake and annoying. She couldnt pull that off with me, for afterwards, I saw her in her "college beer-party" mode, dancing drunkenly on the counter to the hoots and hollers of the working class men.


The only reason to post this photo is because it is the only mystery photo of which I dont remember taking, and haven't a clue who those mysterious people are. My dabbling in genealogy tells me that the one on the left is British and the one on the right is American. Notice the look on the blonde's face. She's up to something.

Just a Pic

Again, another meaningless photo, but interesting in that it is with a peasana from the Mother country of Mexico. She was staying in the hostel like me, and we had a few drinks and a laugh . . . then I never saw her again. Fret not my Latino mates who venture across the pond, for London is full of our Aztec sisters. They go there to learn English in a country that is not America. Charming accents, though.

Interesting American

This youngster was on her first trip to Europe. She also stayed in my hostel, and we hung out several nights during her short stay. She was visiting, or shall I say escaping, to Europe to figure out if she really loved her boyfriend. Madness, if you ask me, but I wasn't about to tell her that. I think that I showed her some other sides to life (taking her out drinking, dancing), but I don't think it quite did the trick. It's not worth going on vacation when one has other shite on one's mind. I never heard from her again.

I Look Like Bono

This was a young charming Norwegian whose charcoal-black haircolour wasn't quite convincing. In any case, I was attracted to her bohemian-alternative style. She was actually a member of  the hostel staff (she cleaned-up after me), so we enjoyed a few drunken evenings at the hostel bar downstairs. I was beginning to be known as the hard-drinking tenant whose appearances were always immaculately kept . . . and who wore funky sunglasses at night.

The Pole and the African

London is probably the most international city in the world. I met these gregarious women at a West End club. Very pretty women from very different parts of the world.


Out and About With the Californian

Mike (in the middle) was a USC medical student who I also met at the hostel. We spent a few nights out on the town. This is a photo of us with two American women. Mike was an interesting and decadent man. He was a former financial analyst turned medical internist. His Californian depravity was apparent in the fact that he recommended I try every drug available until I found just the right one. He was a nice and extremely intelligent guy, and if anything, he represented American a-moralism rather than im-moralism. His Californian political correctness began wearing me down throughout the evening, though. After asking if his Korean parents came to the US for political reasons, he blew up at me for being crude and uninformed Mexican. I nearly threw him off the balcony.



I actually got a kick hanging out with these two youngsters. I met them at a club, but had no idea they were only sixteen. We all sat in the official and bonified love sofa. It was the first evening for me to wear my fag pinstripe trousers. They liked them. Ha!

Just Couldn't Pass This One Up

Although I was walking out of the pub with two of the women in the previous pictures, try as I may, I couldnt keep from ogling over the lovely street performer and her . . . props. I've got that "look at me dudes, hooorah!" look on my face. I actually remember her agreeing to meet me later that evening, but as you can guess, after a few more pints, I completely forgot about the appointment. Tisk, tisk.

No, I'm Not Drunk

Even I get a kick from the look upon my silly face here. I took this picture when I was drinking with two Irish women . . . considering the practice they have over me, it was quite a bad idea in retrospect.

Very Irish

I like this photo because it looks very Irish. Old Juan's got an aye for photography!

Drinking it Straight

Yes, this woman really was swigging straight from the vodka bottle. The bottle was actually one of two that I brought over from the US, due to spirits prices in the UK. If you look closely, it has a pink tint to it. I mixed grenadine into it, such that one could mix it directly with water. That's engineering. The lass drinking it, along with another friend from home, were Finnish tenants who were working in Soho as exotic dancers.

Without Mention

This is a photo of the same Finn looking at a former US Army guy, not exactly an interesting or brilliant one, who she dared to pull out his schlong. Yes, he really did do it. I don't remember their response, but he was hoping to get some points for his actions. One of the other hostellers drooling over the two Finns mentioned that it isn't the obnoxious American who pulled his schlong out that the Finns should be worried about, but the one sitting on the stairs (me) with the other Finn who hasn't said two words all night.

The London Celtics


More of my Irish drinking buddies, whose Celtic looks I was actually drawn to. They eloquently explained to me that the Scots and Irish were the original Celtics, and that the English were essentially French/Latin mutts. I can usually see a physical difference a mile away. Irish eyes are smiling.

Lamb Tika!


I noticed early on that padding ones stomach with food gave the liters of alcohol (usually in the form of hard-cider, 5% Strongbow), a soft landing. I'm squatted in some obscure Soho doorway eating my famed lamb tika.

Mile High?


This story is almost too bizarre to believe, and I hesitate even publicizing it, but what the heck. This is Liz, and Oregon native, and if you notice, we are sitting quite chummy in our coach seats on a crappy Northwest flight from London to Detroit. What piqued her interest about me was the quaint fact that I was thumbing through a used book: "The Communist manifesto." Not exactly a John Grisham or an Ann Rice novel, but something different. I stole a few more plastic bottles of wine when the flight attendant wasnt looking before asking her if shed ever kissed anybody on a transatlantic flight! Notice the people in the back staring at us like were from another planet. I think they are wondering why they couldnt have hooked up with someone on that long boring haul. Drunk as skunks, the flight felt as if it were only an hour long.

Would You Do It?

If you had just one chance to be with that special someone, and face terrible consequences for it, would you? Would you really do anything for love? I'm a lover of life, and yes, I did! When we landed in Detroit, I was off to Houston and she to Oregon. I simply couldnt let this end without any closure. After customs, we both had a slim 60 minutes before our flight left the gate. We felt totally cheesy walking with our luggage to the airport Westin. Although I played it off as if I was a powerful oil and gas executive, a room was $350, and we were drunk, dirty, and fatigued. After considering forgetting the whole idea, I went to the counter and pleaded with Northwest to let me stay over in Detroit for just one evening. I was sadly informed that I had the most restrictive ticket available, and that should I not be onboard, I would lose that portion of my trip entirely. I sat back and thought, then said: "Screw it, I'll somehow find a way back to Houston." I ended my vacation by being stranded in an alien city without any means to return home. As we lay in bed that night, washed and rested, I wasnt looking forward to check-out the next morning.

Silver Lining

The one good thing about sticking around in Detroit was that luckily for me, my brother lived there. I spent a few good days with him detoxing and recuperating. I then drove his Jeep down to Indiana to visit my family and darling nieces, aged 9, 9, and 3.


Though I was comfortable in Detroit, I still had to get back to Houston, somehow. I had more time than money, so tempting though as it was, I wouldnt get the Southwest flight for $350. After considering hitchhiking, I instead opted for the unthinkable: Greyhound. Yes, from Detroit it was 40 hours of cramped, smelly, creepy, and sleepless hell. All I could look forward to, as when I was bivouacking in the Foreign Legion, was knowing that in a day or so, Id be sleeping in a real bed. I was lucky enough to have met a gang of sexy women . . . Catholic missionaries! All were great gals. Too bad they got off early in the trip. My new roommate, Shannon, was at the Houston terminal, like an angel, to take me back home. What a trip!

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